
China - Enter the dragon

An in-depth analysis of one of the major players in the world tourism industry.
Currently ranked as no. 4 in international arrivals and no. 1 as a source of
outbound tourism in Asia China is a rising power in the international tourism
industry. Each year China records over 25 million tourist arrivals, this year even more- an additional half a million will
come especially for the Olympic Games. Chinese tourism industry every year
generates 439 billion dollar - 12,2% of national GDP. The fastest growing
markets are: meetings and conferences, incentives, red tourism, sustainable
tourism, wellness and SPA. The favourite foreign destination for Chinese tourists is Europe (17 million arrivals) with most
countries on the Approved Destination List accepted by the Chinese
government. (p. 11)

Special Olympic offers

So far China has not been a favourite foreign destination for Polish tourists. There are very few travel agencies offering organized tours with most popular tourist attractions. However their prices remain far beyond reach of an average Polish tourist. Despite that some Polish travel agencies prepared special Olympic offers for sport fans with time and money. In most cases they include: entrance tickets, flights, accommodation and sightseeing. Although there are only a few weeks to the Olympics...

Wydanie: 2/2008, SUMMARY
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